News — jewelry
Georgia on My Mind...

My goodness, is it really DECEMBER?? Time flies when you’re having fun, I guess. 2016 has absolutely flown by. This time of year is certainly one of reflection and gratitude and my list is very long this year. A lot has happened at Amy Holton Designs this year…and I mean a lot! I feel like I’ve scarcely been able to come up for air but it’s been such a great ride. While I’ve always said that I don’t want a brick and mortar store (not right now anyway), I might have leased a little bit of property in Atlanta this...
London Blue Topaz Necklace - The Finished Piece
I changed my mind so many times while constructing this piece. At first, each London blue stone was going to be separated by clusters of small, yellow sapphires...didn't like it. Very odd, since London blue topaz and yellow sapphires are two favorites of mine. Then, as shown in my sneak peek post, I decided to show them off in their beautiful simplicity. London Blue Topaz and Citrine Necklace However, I still felt compelled to add some yellow to the piece. I just like the contrast. I was going to use one of my large custom-cut citrine solitaire stones but that...
A Sneak Peek - London Blue Topaz
I love London blue topaz...absolutely love it. When these arrived in my shipment, I couldn't wait to use them. [caption id="attachment_520" align="aligncenter" width="529"] London blue topaz necklace in the works[/caption] Now to decide, do I leave it in its delicate simplicity or add an amazing focal? Perhaps citrine? I think a nice pair of drop earrings need to happen as well. I'm itching to finish it and get it into the collection! Watch this space...
I always think it's interesting to witness a person's design process, so thought I'd share a few photos of mine. I'll bringing this necklace with me to Barton Creek tomorrow. It's just gorgeous in person. I'll be there from the usual 2:00-7:00 outside of Eliza's and Bella's boutiques. [caption id="attachment_511" align="aligncenter" width="529"] Gemstones poised on head pins, ready to be linked together. This process alone takes several hours.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_512" align="aligncenter" width="529"] The links are coming together! I love this part of the process. It's so satisfying. It takes me about three to four hours to link this entire piece,...
Sneak Peek - Work in Progress
Looking forward to three days of shows at the beautiful Barton Creek Resort here in Austin in November 15th - 18th! That weekend marks the return of Formula One racing to the United States at the shiny, new Circuit of the Americas track, right here in our fair city. It's going to be a very exciting weekend as some 300,000 people arrive from around the world to celebrate the event. I've been so busy working on new designs, and a new collection to unveil that weekend, that I haven't stopped to post a single photo of what I've been working...