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New Website!


No, I haven't fallen completely off of the earth. After a wonderful vacation, we've had many visitors in Austin including a close family friend home from Russia with her son. They came from snow to 104 degree weather and nearly melted! We also had a great week with my eight year old niece. She's quite the little jewelry designer herself! I'm flattered that she wants to be like Aunt Amy and bought her some beads and tools of her own. She really surprised me with a lovely little flower necklace made of freshwater pearls. I was quite impressed! She has one of my amethyst flower necklaces (a request from her for her eighth birthday) and she did a good job of working out how to make flowers from her beads. No assistance from me!

On top of family and friends, I've been diligently working on a new website. At long last, I've finally completed it and am very pleased with the way it looks. New, more detailed photos and a much better format to allow shoppers to better see the detail in my pieces. I'd love to know your thoughts! www.amyholtondesigns.com

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