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Where in the Hell is Mr. Sandman When You Need Him?


It happens to me every spring. For 2-3 weeks I find myself completely unable to sleep at night, no matter how tired I am. Sleep aids just don't do any good, either. Getting 2-3 hours a night doesn't work for me at all.

What's even more frustrating is it leaves me completely void of energy. I lie awake at night thinking of all of the things I want to accomplish the next day, but when morning comes and all hope of a good night's sleep is gone, I just don't have the energy. I have so many things that I need and WANT to be doing...my emerald earrings, the coral and pearls are still in progress on my desk, not to mention I so want to re-vamp my website with updated photos. (My husband gave me a fabulous SLR for my birthday and my stepchildren gave me a fantastic lens. I'm dying to take new photos, but can't find the motivation to set up...and then pick up after myself!) Instead, I've been laying low. At least I've caught up on reading blog posts that interest me! Indie Fixx had a blog post which included fabulous cocktail tables by Michael Arras that might have to come live in our house.

Hopefully this no-sleep slump will pass quickly and I'll find my energy again (and have something better to blog about)! It was terrible when I held an office job. Thanks to my wonderful husband who's out saving the environment, I'm able to be at home, which makes this so much more tolerable. He's even stopping to pick up dinner tonight so I don't have to worry with it. I should probably tell him more often how lucky I am to have him! Mentally motivated, but physically void of energy. So frustrating...

Mr. Sandman...bring me a dream. (Preferably one that lasts at least eight hours!)

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